Thursday, November 12, 2009

Neuromancer Comes To An End

Throughout this whole book I have been extremely confused. Although my mind is still having some trouble wrapping itself around the context each time I turn the page I have begun to understand a little better after finishing the whole book. I understand now that Molly and Case are trying to break into the base of a family corporation in order to help two Artificial Intelligences combine into a greater whole. The Turning police was something that I understood from the time they were introduced playing the role of trying to stop Molly and Case in the event that AI, if joined together, could become too powerful.

Something that I do wonder though is if the two AI’s were destroying anything in order to come together wouldn’t it be better to finally have them complete instead of losing lives over it? I am rather confused by the final ending and during the whole book because we are never told whether or not these two AI’s being together would do anything interesting or good. The ending did no clarifying for me about the need for Wintermute and Neuromancer to become a greater whole.

The ending opens up more questions when Gibson suddenly throws in the only curve ball of the conclusion; there is another equally powerful intelligence. Is this supposed to be an after thought or a reason to read another book that might come out? I am rather confused by the importance in this idea.

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